Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Works on Site: Week 6

Progress on site this week:

Wyre Forest School:

 Bulk excavations to reduced level are almost complete.
 Below ground drainage begins to be laid
 Reduce levels continuing to formation/excavations to form retaining wall base, south of school.
 Structural fill excavated from retaining wall is being taken to the artificial grass pitch to make up levels.
 Landscape fill is ongoing terrace landscape area.

Weekly Boarding Unit

 Setting out and excavations for gabion cage foundation to Sprinkler Tank area has commenced.
 Foul drainage outdside of the foot print of the building is now in place.
 Building of drainage manholes has begun.

Science Block

 Structural fill is now complete.
 Sub base stone cap layer laid levelled and compacted to underside of floor slab make up.
 Reduce dig to rear paved area is in progress.

Manhole template being laid out for Weekly Boarding Unit

Structural fill being laid for the Science Block

Friday, 16 August 2013

Works on Site: Week 5

Progress on site this week:

Artificial Grass Pitch: Excavations for the base nearing completion (looking towards Baxter College)

Wyre Forest School: excavation adjacent the retaining wall by Campus Square

Wekly Boarding Unit: installing the first drainage runs

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Works on Site: Week 4

Excavation works for the Science Block
What's been happening on site this week?
Weekly Boarding Unit: Ground preparation continues.
Wyre Forest School: – Reduced levels to part of the site and vegetation strip/cart away in progress.
Science Block: Continue topsoil and landscape cut and store – brick, concrete fill off-site/cart away
 Generally: Administrative offices/compound now established – satellite offices in place. Much activity to all areas of site – cart away generally progressing well.